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Skin Tears 101: Knowledge, Care, and Prevention

bandaging skin tears

As we age our skin gets thinner and more delicate to the touch, making it susceptible to skin tears. Gaining knowledge on how to care for a new type of injury, while figuring out new ways to prevent it is something we all need to add to our repertoire.

So, what is a skin tear? What causes it? Is it preventable? How do you care for skin tears? Let’s dig into it (no pun intended)!

What is a skin tear?

As our skin ages the blood vessels that supply the skin tissue get more rigid from lack of moisture and nutrients. With less moisture and elasticity, skin can easily tear or separate. (Younger skin has the ability to stretch when force or friction is applied to the skin.)

Most skin tears happen to the extremities (arms, hands, and lower legs)- from gardening, to walking into the corner of a piece of furniture, to an excited dog or cat jumping up to say hello. The best image analogy I can think of for a skin tear (without being graphic) is similar to a tomato’s skin, see below.

How do we care for skin tears?

It is inevitable that we will get skin tears as we age. Being able to care for them is key to your health and wellbeing. Most hospitals, clinics, and possibly urgent cares, can provide “wound care treatment”. Depending on the size, depth, and skin flap condition, you may be able to care for the tear at home. Be sure to use a bandage wrap and secure the wrap with tape, do not put any type of adhesive on any part of your skin!

Skin tears that are large or the “flap” is severely damaged, will need to be examined by a physician, and it may take many trips to the nurse for wound care assistance and bandaging before it is completely healed.

person in blue scrub suit holding white textile
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Are skin tears preventable?

Unfortunately, there is no special pill or diet to prevent a skin tear from happening; as we age, our skin just loses its elasticity and thickness. However, being aware of this type of injury, and avoiding certain situations, can minimize the number of skin tears.

Here are a few ideas to reduce skin tears:

  • Hydrate! Drink plenty of water.
  • Moisturize your skin twice a day
  • Use soap with moisturizer when bathing
  • After bathing or swimming, pat yourself dry instead of rubbing the towel across your skin
  • Cover up corners on furniture and counters
  • Use gauze bandages instead of adhesive Band-Aids for any injuries
  • Wear long sleeves and pants as much as possible (especially when outdoors or if you have a pet with claws)
  • Remove rugs and other objects on the floor to prevent tripping
arm coverings can help prevent skin tears

In the end, skin tears are inevitable, but knowledge and preventive measures are key!

Be sure to stay hydrated, within your body and without daily, and be aware of your surroundings. If you want to read up more on skin tears, this website has detailed information.


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